Vitt (2022)
fl, pno
Grand piano with 3 pedals with
- Paper
- Styrofoam
- Personal object symbolising ¨warmness¨ and ¨happiness¨
Durata: 12 mins
Commission: Asuka Takeuchi
Premiere: Asuka Takeuchi/flute and Yoshio Hamano/piano
February 9th 2022, 19h00, Nonaka Anna Hall Tokyo, JAPAN
Program note:
The voyage into the Micro-world of the human body might resemble a beautiful trip into the snow-land.
¨The bottom of the night is whitened¨ - Yasunari Kawabata.
Compositional idea:
(The following text should NOT be presented to the audience in any form)
The micro-world of the human body seems to be endless. In any human body there are about 30 trillion cells and 39 trillion microbial cells such as bacteria, viruses, and fungi. It is beyond one’s imagination how these cells are behaving at the hidden ¨corners¨ of the human body. Some might be creating ¨darkness¨ and ¨black energy¨ over the years without your own knowledge. We all carry mystery in ourselves.